Partner treatments

Sperm Donation in Toronto, Ontario

Sperm donation is an integral part of the treatment line for assisted reproduction that involves using sperm from a known or anonymous donor to achieve a pregnancy. Sperm from an anonymous or known sperm donor can be utilized in intrauterine insemination or in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Who should opt for donor sperm?

Sperm donation may be considered in the following circumstances:

  • If the prospective father has insufficient sperm or sperm of poor quality,
  • Female same-sex partners who want to create a family,
  • Single women who want to have a family.

Sperm Donation/Sperm Donor program at CReATe

Before you embark on your fertility journey, the fertility specialists at CReATe Durham Fertility will understand your intended family structure and will recommend physical and medical assessments. If any of the factors mentioned above are associated with your case, you may be recommended to opt for a sperm donor. When your case is qualified for donation (through internal assessment), CReATe Durham will partner with CReATe Fertility Centre Toronto to screen the sperm donor and analyze their sperm quality. Prospective parents can use this service to select a donor with whom they have a personal relationship, such as a friend or family member. All donors and their eligibility will be evaluated on the following basis:

  • Age
  • Physical examination, medical history, and tests for infections (HIV, Hep C)
  • Semen analysis - to determine sperm morphology, count, and quality.
  • Genetic testing and family medical history
  • Personal, psychological, and sexual history

Post the donor has passed the medical evaluation, they will be requested to provide CReATe legal consent for sperm collection and use.

If you seek a sperm donor, CReATe Fertility Centre Toronto will connect you with the right organizations and certified institutions licensed by national and provincial authorities to assist you in your fertility journey. These accredited sperm banks will give donor profiles and help you plan based on blood type, age, weight, height, race, and other factors.

We collaborate with the following donor organizations:

  • Repromed Ltd. (RML)
  • Can-Am Cryoservices Corporation (CACS)
  • Outreach Health Services

CReATe Durham Fertility advocates seeking assistance from infertility counselors in both circumstances so that you are informed and prepared for the psycho-cultural and social hurdles you may face in your parenthood journey.